Saturday, March 22, 2014

Montezuma's-- I mean... Bo's Revenge

A little TMI but what isn't TMI with babies? One of the first few things Dane and I say to each other after the usual musings of the day is "did Bo poop today?" The person doing the asking is really hoping the other says "yes" so that is one more day we won't have to wait around for a ticking time bomb of poop to go off.

Recently we changed Bo's formula back to the regular hypoallergenic formula instead of the super-duper hypoallergenic formula (our wallets are happy! and Bo's tummy is happy!) Since the switch he has major blowouts. I mean nuclear. I mean toxic. Smelly, runny, and 3 out of 4 times ruining his clothes as well as anything else that is within a 2 foot radius. The doc said all is well. He's not dehydrated or sick, just a sensitive tummy. 

As you can imagine I am constantly on my toes with every toot I hear. Hoping and wishing he will do it when we are home and not when we are out and about for the day. 
I should start packing around a closet in my car.

I was driving and I heard it. How can those cute tiny bodies make such horrifying noises!?
I pulled over in a parking lot and cleared out the back of my car. 

Luckily it was just warning shots of what was coming hours later. Whew!

Anyone else have funny experiences?

PS. He is always keeping us on our toes and constantly making us laugh!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Learning to Keep it Real

A few days ago I about had it with social media... so I went to social media for my rant. Ironic? Of course! but I was over the way people (myself included) portray their life as a highlight real while I sit here most days in my little apartment in pajamas watching the Price is Right and spit-up somewhere on myself.. I could smell it. I just didn't have the energy to find it.

This is what I said...

"maybe I'm just being a grump today but here's my one public rant ever.. are these people that blog and post beautiful professional images of their life for real? for some reason it is really buggy today and I'll get over it in an hour but come on. are peoples lives that perfect and trendy? where are the real life people who don't get out of their pajamas until 4 o clock or have throw-up all over themselves, or can only get 20 seconds of productivity because their kid is chewing on cords or they constantly hit their head repeatedly on the wall (uh yes i really hope this is just a phase and that he is training to be a football player).. it would be nice to see people keep it real more often. am I missing the boat and alone on this? lets keep it real, people! alright I'm done! sorry I never do this"

I know! There is nothing more annoying then dirty laundry getting thrown across Facebook. I gave myself a free pass and Ta-Da a can of worms opened up. Some people thought I was truly upset about my life and being a mom. False-- I LOVE IT! I wouldn't have it any other way then to be able to stay at home with my boy! I know I am so so lucky.  I was surprised to find out how many people agree with me. It was great to see that I wasn't the only one who thought it was a success that I showered before 1 PM. (Which reminds me.. I should shoot for that goal again today). 

Since I opened my can of worms.. I really kept coming back to my thoughts on trying to keep it real. I don't have the fanciest things, I am not a supermodel, I don't even brush my hair (for real I don't own a brush or a comb) but I am a new mom trying to figure out how to take care of this amazing little guy who stole my heart. Just like all you mamas with little ones that stole yours. I don't need the extra pressures from popular blogs that I need to do a picture perfect party, wear a size 2 and have blown out hair all without getting thrown up on. This is going to be a place I can post real things that happen to real moms or dads. 

My life is not fabulous and that is fine by me! And I am not trying to make a statement that trendy things can never be fun, or I never get dressed up and put makeup on. No way. I love actually getting dressed in real clothes and going out of the house when my hair isn't still wet. That's all apart of real life too! I guess in the end this is for me to challenge myself to not get caught up in the glitz and glam of everything and talk about how I might have stayed in my PJs for 2 days straight once or twice or have piles of laundry to do but I end up pushing it off because the dryer is right next to Bo's room and those naps are precious to me!--I mean him. 

I love my job and life and wouldn't change it 

Come on.. look at how awesome that Lettuce Head is and that man holding him is pretty dang fine 

Life is awesome with little ones.. not convenient but we mamas make it work! 

And I wouldn't have it any other way..

Just trying to keep it real one nap at a time.