Hey Guess What
Formula is OK for your baby
I am not trying to be all controversial and I am definitely NOT suggesting that you should stop breastfeeding. I am putting it out there that babies will be just fine on formula.
I survived on formula!
I think it is wonderful how breastfeeding is becoming more and more accepted and encouraged. There are so many facts that support breastfeeding that not only benefits the baby but also the mom.
But you know.. sometimes it just doesn't always work out.
When I was at the point with Bo to decide to keep breastfeeding or switch to formula I did all the research I could. I like to think that I research A TON on the products I use or different techniques to see the pros and cons of all things baby.
When I was trying to do research on the best formula for breastfed babies, or stopping breastfeeding altogether --- I came up with barely anything for my personal research.
I was so frustrated at the time because breastfeeding was just not working out for the both of us.
I was still struggling with PPD and was resenting the fact that I was the only person that could feed him. Lack of sleep, PPD, Bo not latching and everything else was not a good combination for me.
The point where I decided I am making the switch to formula was when we found blood in his diapers. SCARY thing for a first time and anxious mom.
He ended up going on hypoallergenic formula and it has worked out great for the both of us.
Since the switch to formula I started to feel like I could really enjoy feeding him and bonding with him. The complete opposite of what I heard of with formula feeding.
My husband was able to help me out those few weeks taking turns at night.
I didn't feel like I was restricted in going out of the house or trying to time everything just right. I felt like I had somewhat of my life and sanity back.
Some moms have breastfeeding down to an art and science. They have perfected it.
All I am saying is it doesn't work for everyone for whatEVER the reason may be.
Sure, I didn't have problems with milk production or I could probably have changed my diet to help his digestion but I still was not truly able to give Bo the love and attention he needed.
And you know what?
He is alive, happy, healthy and extremely active 7 month old.
I am not against breastfeeding.. I will try again with my next children
I am just pro-whatever works best for you and your baby
don't let anyone make you feel guilty.. including yourself!
I was my worse guilt-tripper during that time. I felt like I failed and wasn't a good mom blah blah..
that obviously wasn't true.
It is OK to be the only person in your group of friends or family formula feeding. It is OK to say to your husband 'Hey why don't you feed the baby tonight I need a break'
Do what is best for you and the baby! You know better then anyone else.
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